Multi-Color LED Watch to match your mood swings

Who knows what you might think of as cool tomorrow? The only thing you can really know is what you like today. But our moods change like the wind. The human emotional spectrum is wide and varied. A blue watch from yesterday might seem like a bad idea for today. Our fashion sense can change just as quick as our moods.

The Ohsen Multi-Color LED Watch tries to compensate for those who get bored easily. A button on top of the watch face cycles through a collection of seven colors when pressed. Some days are blue days and some are green. And yet others are pink. This watch from Ohsen offers the whole sha-bang.

The water resistant analog watch isn’t even half bad looking when there’s no LED shining at all. In its “off” state the watch simply resembles your average run of the mill divers’ watch. But when the conditions are just right for some LED action, the watch shows its true colors. And it just so happens that its true colors are whatever you want them to be from the seven available options.
The Ohsen Multi-Color LED Watch can be found on eBay, with auctions starting at only $0.99. But be forewarned, these watches ship from Hong Kong, so there might be some major shipping fees. Most likely fees which are boosted to compensate for low auction prices.
This entry was published on July 20, 2008 at 5:58 am and is filed under lifestyle, Luxury, Wearables. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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