New Vuzix VR Glasses To Be Unveiled at CES

The biggest feature of the new Vuzix virtual reality glasses has nothing to do with a new technology.

Mostly, it comes from the fact that the company finally hired a designer aware of current aesthetic tastes. The older models of the VR system looked like props straight from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and they exposed the poor saps brave enough to try them in public far too easily.

The new design is interesting enough that any cool-kid Bono wannabe could reach for them, while keeping it fairly basic.

The Wrap 920AV will have some pretty good tech inside as well. It will have an improved variation of virtual reality combined with augmented reality, whereby an object or video feed will appear in space. Basically, it opens up certain video away from a block panel display into one that will give the appearance of interactivity.

While it sounds a bit confusing, Vuzix promises the optics are much improved and that you will actually feel like you’re watching a real screen. Previous versions suffered from a narrow frame, resulting in a POV that didn’t live up to its goal of immersive-style entertainment.

According to a Vuzix rep, the glasses will be able to connect to any type of portable media player and will be unveiled for the first time during next week’s CES 2009.

This entry was published on January 4, 2009 at 3:28 pm and is filed under Portable Audio, Wearables. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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